White Stadium Public Meeting: Economic Development & Community Benefits Nov 29th at 6pm


The City envisions revitalizing White Stadium as the centerpiece of BPS athletics and a hub for community.

White Stadium was constructed in 1945 in the Playstead area of Franklin Park. Since then, it has served as a home for many Boston athletes and community members. Unfortunately, today the stadium is in a state of disrepair and in need of revitalization. It does not meet current codes or accessibility requirements. It also lacks the spaces and amenities needed to be a citywide resource for BPS athletics.

The City and BPS envision revitalizing White Stadium as a centerpiece of BPS athletics. We are planning a significant investment in the stadium and athletic facilities.

In 2023, we launched an updated needs assessment of the facility. The assessment found that many spaces need to be improved and expanded. Improvements will include an expanded staff office, a modernized press box, improved locker rooms, and an 8-lane track.

We will also add new programs. These may include a strength and conditioning suite, a gymnasium, an indoor turf field, a community space, and a student resource space. The FY24 Capital Plan proposes $10.5 million to fund the design.


Our second Community Engagement session will focus on Supplier Diversity and Community Benefits.

  • Join us virtually from 6 - 8 p.m. on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 

    Register Here: Zoom Meeting Link


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